David's Book Report on | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
IN THE TIME OF THE DINOSAURS!!!! part of the Animorph series. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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THE ANIMORPHS and how it started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The members of the Animorph group are Jake, the leader, Rachel, Jake's cousin, Cassie, who Jake secretly have a crush on, Marco, who is the comedian of the group, Tobias, who is a Nothlit: A person who is stuck in a morph, and then there is Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill(Ax for short). They got the morphing capabilities from Elfangor-Sirinal-Shamtul, Ax's brother. While Elfangor was battling the yeerks in space his ship was damaged and crash landed in a construction yard where Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Marco, and Tobias were.( This is when they did not have the powers.) So Elfangor came out of his ship and held out a box that contained the morphing power. Elfangor told them that Earth is in grave danger and that they are its only hope. So they each get the power to morph by touching an animal and aquiring it's DNA. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
THE YEERKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Yeerks are alein parasites that crawl into your ear and attach themselves to your brain. They start to control your body and your thoughts. They have infested a lot of species one of which is the Hork-Bajir. The leader of the Animorphs, Jake, has once been infested by the Yeerks. The Yeerks have their own ranking system. The highest ranked Yeerk is Visser 1. Visser 1 infested Marco's mom. But Marco doesn't know this, he thought she drowned. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
IN THE TIME OF THE DINOSAURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The book I picked was Megamorphs #2: In the time of the Dinosaurs. The author of the book is K.A. Applegate. | The main characters are Jake, Cassie, Marco, Rachel, Tobias, and Ax. The plot is that Marco is watching TV one day and he hears that a nucular sub or submarine has sunk about 5 miles off the coast of the town that the animorphs live in. Marco tells the others and they decide that the yeerks might try and get the nuclear torpedoes for their own reasons. So one day, they go to the beach and swim about a quarter of a mile out, then "morph" into dolphins and swim out to the sub. About 30 min. after they morphed they find the sub. Navy divers are already down there looking for the sub, so the animorphs decide to help. So they start swimming around the divers until the divers follow the animorphs. By then their two hour limit is almost up, so they swim up to the surface of the water de-morph and after 5 min. they morphed back into dolphins and swim to shore. About an hour later they return to see if the navy divers have started the retrival of the sub. Once they got down there, the naval personell had already brought a submersible down to try and pull up the sub. All of a sudden the submersible went faster and faster and all the naval boats on the surface sped away. Jake got a very bad feeling about this and yelled "Outta here." The animorphs swam as hard as they could. Suddenely a big bright light filled the water partially blinding them and knocked them out cold........... Rachel was the first one to regain consciousness. She found everybody except for Cassie. All of a sudden they heard screaming in thought speak. It was Cassie and blood was leaking from her eyes and blowhole. She finally de-morphed and swam to the surface but it was different. No boats... No buildings...... No nothing...... All of a sudden a very big bird swooped down at them and it was a taradactyl.
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